Everything you need for a successful conference weekend! Our goal with this kit was to help keep your family focused on the gospel throughout conference. As moms ourselves we know it is hard to keep the kids entertained and focused on the gospel for all of the conference sessions. Our hope was that there would be something in this kit for all age groups so on top of all the fun stuff, we included a conference notes sheet that was geared more toward teens + parents!
here's what you're getting in this digital download kit!
Get To Know Your Apostles Matching Game: colored + uncolored
Conference Word Search
Conference Notes Page
Rome, Italy Temple: colored + uncolored
Rome, Italy Temple Puzzle: colored + uncolored
Four Different Bingo Cards: colored + uncolored
Homemade Cinnamon Rolls Recipe
24x36 Coloring Page (we recommend you get this printed as an engineer print. My local Alphagraphics charges me $2.50 for them but prices vary quite a bit so call ahead to check on pricing. You can also print in on an 8.5x11 if you don't want to print it big!)